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Hi, I'm Jad Haddad

I am passionate about learning and utilizing new emerging technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to create high quality immersive content.

My Story

I was born and raised in a little town in Lebanon. Unfortunately, my father passed away when I was only 7, and since then my mom and grandmother have been my pillars of support. Despite the loss, my dad left me with something special - a love for movies. As a result, I found myself engrossed in critically acclaimed films, some of which were not meant for a young audience. I may have gotten in trouble a few times for watching R-Rated movies, but it was worth it to me. In addition to my love for film, I was also a bit of a daydreamer. I often found myself transported to different worlds and imagining myself as different characters. I used to turn my pens and pencils into actors, bringing my imagination to life in my unique way. Looking back, it may have seemed odd to others, but to me, it was a way to express myself and let my creativity run wild… even in the classroom.

Years after my father's passing, life changed a lot for my family. My mother met a wonderful man, and he became my stepdad. At 13 years old, my little brother and I embarked on a new journey to move to the United States with our mother and stepdad. I recall posting on Facebook, "To America and Beyond," a nod to one of my favorite movies, Toy Story. This film had a significant influence on me as a child and fueled my passion for collecting action figures, a hobby that continues to this day.

Years later, I took a high school film class, which solidified my interest in pursuing a career in the film industry. I decided to attend Cal State Northridge to be accepted to the film production program. However, my application was rejected due to the program's competitive nature. Despite the setback, I continued to pursue my interest in film and became intrigued by virtual reality and its ability to create immersive experiences. Alongside a friend, I founded a club organization at CSUN to promote awareness of emerging technologies and their various applications in all industries. Fortunately, my university eventually launched a new film program centered on interactive and immersive storytelling, which utilized technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality, and tools such as Unreal Engine. After earning my degree in emerging media production, I have continued to actively seek out new opportunities to learn and grow in this industry. I have volunteered at workshops, networked with professionals, and pursued certification courses at UCLA Extension to further enhance my skills and experience.

My dreams and hopes for the future are to create films and immersive experiences that transport audiences into new worlds and allow them to experience stories in ways they never have before. I want to push the boundaries of what's possible in storytelling and make a positive impact on the world through my work. I have always been drawn to the power of storytelling and its ability to inspire, educate, and entertain. My unique perspective and voice allow me to approach storytelling in new and innovative ways, whether through traditional film production or emerging technologies such as virtual reality.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect!

+1 (818) 350 9225

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